Here we introduce the techniques we use and teach you how to use similar techniques to achieve different effects.

(Upcoming Technology)

MIT Architecture Robotic Dog

A quadruped robot using the classic MIT architecture. It uses 12 joint motors and FOC control. It has a load capacity of 8kg.

Control Algorithm for Robotic Dog Weapon Station

No introduction yet. Props and real machines can be customized. For details, please contact customer service

Low-Cost Beast Suit Vision Replacement Solution Based on ESP32

The cost is only $10, which allows prop masks or headgear to see the outside world through a micro camera. This technology has developed the performance of ESP32 to the extreme, but there is still a delay. This technology will be open sourced for free in the future

Low-Power Thermal Fusion Deployment Algorithm

The edge images with high heat and specific heat thresholds are extracted from the thermal imaging edge images through machine vision algorithms and displayed on the visible light screen.

Self-Developed Gen-3 Level Low-Light Night Vision Device

Stay tuned

XM157 Fire Control Ballistic Sight Model (Non-functional Version)

Wargam player model

Low Power 2K Micro OLED Driver Solution

Silicon-based micor oled has extremely high display brightness, clarity and refresh rate. But it consumes a lot of power. This technology will enable excellent screens produced by Sony to be used in prop visual systems.

Optical Waveguide Technology

Open-Source Dual-Acting Servo Robotic Dog

Silicon-based micor oled has extremely high display brightness, clarity and refresh rate. But it consumes a lot of power. This technology will enable excellent screens produced by Sony to be used in prop visual systems.

Auto-Selecting Arrow Quiver Prop

A very interesting voice interaction and touch control project

Internal Visual System of the Fursuit

Arc Accelerator

Gesture-Controlled Quadrotor Drone

High-Fit Realistic Fursuit

Open-Source Files

(Click the image to download)

AK102 Kit


The Wandering Earth Headphones

BMPCC4K Film Camera M2 Hard Drive Mount

Glock Base Plate

PVS-CV Night Vision Device and Tutorial

IVAS Open-Source Non-Functional Model (Fast Version)

Open-Source AK102 Kit

VAUK Open Source Electronic Eyedrops

3D Printed Non-Functional Model Knife

Cute Fishbone UWU